One is the question of corruption, and the related misuse of authority. 挑战之一是腐败问题以及相关的对权威的滥用。
Unjust exaction ( as by the misuse of authority). 不公平的勒索(如滥用职权)。
Whilst there are occasional cases of misuse and overuse of pesticides, national authority monitoring reports demonstrate that these are the exception rather than the norm. 虽然偶然有杀虫剂的误用和过度使用的情形,国家的监视报告指出这些是不正常的例外。
Certain government departments that possess administrative monopolies that limit competition misuse their power, and go beyond the legal limit of their authority to break up or seal off the market. 某些具有限制竞争的行政垄断权的政府部门滥用他们的权利,甚至超越其权力的法律限度,破坏或封锁市场。
Clerk of labor safeguard department pays the misuse of authority in supervisory examination, practise favouritism in salary fraud, derelict, whether to investigate duty? 劳动保障部门工作人员在工资支付监督检查中滥用职权、徇私舞弊、玩忽职守的,是否追究责任?
But because of lacking theories, the criminal law that we use now has great limitation on the expression and setting of the term "misuse of authority". Dispute has been rising up related to the issues with the four important matters to component criminal. 但是,由于理论准备不足,现行刑法对滥用职权罪的法条设置与表述存在着重大缺陷,有关滥用职权罪,从犯罪构成的四个要件到司法认定中的有关问题都有诸多争议。
Only in this way, we can define misuse of administrative authority as administrative illegal action, determine the scope between misuse of authority and unreasonable administration, and understand the relationship between misuse of authority and lacking fairness. 只有这样,才能把行政滥用职权界定为行政违法行为,才能分清滥用职权与行政不当的界限,理清滥用职权与显失公正之间的关系等。
In recent years, the cases of misuse of authority, corruption and bribery are increasing in the higher learning schools, especially in the departments of finance, capital construction, purchase and students enrollment. 近年来,滥用职权、贪污贿赂等职务犯罪案件在高校有所上升,尤其在财务、基建、采购、招生等部门是职务犯罪的高发区。
As the expanding of directors 'and board of directors' rights and power, the corresponding duties and liabilities must be strengthened in order to prevent the corporation and shareholders 'legal benefits from being spoiled by their misuse of authority. 在董事会的权利和权力日益扩张的同时,如何强化董事会的成员&董事对公司的义务与责任,以防止董事滥用职权损害公司和股东的利益,已成为现代公司法的一个重要课题。
Misuse of Administrative Authority 行政滥用职权琐议
Meanwhile, the long-term US export control on China also embodied the misuse of the clause of Security Exceptions in GATT 1994, which defied the authority of the Dispute Settlement Body ( DSB), spoiled free trading system. 同时,美国长期对中国出口管制,也是对WTO协定有关安全例外条款的滥用,降低了争端解决机构的权威,破坏了自由贸易体制的健康运行。